Educación moderna y efectiva
The challenge was to design a platform that was user-friendly for diverse stakeholders with varying technical skills and educational needs. The complexity lay in creating an interface that could seamlessly cater to the differing needs of students, parents, teachers, and administrators.
Our approach at Figura involved an in-depth collaboration with the Cokids team to understand the specific needs of each user group. We employed our expertise in UX and UI design to craft a platform that was both visually appealing and functionally effective.
The collaboration resulted in a highly functional and aesthetically pleasing educational platform. Cokids has reported increased user engagement, improved communication among stakeholders, and streamlined educational processes.
COKIDS design process
User Research and Persona Development

We started by conducting comprehensive user research to understand the behaviors, needs, and goals of each stakeholder in the educational process. This involved interviews, focus groups, and the creation of detailed personas to guide our design decisions.

Wireframing and User Flow Creation

Figura’s design team developed detailed wireframes and user flows that outlined the key interactions and pathways for different users. This step was essential in visualizing the structure and navigation of the platform.

UI Design and Branding

Our UI experts crafted a clean and engaging visual design that aligned with Cokids' brand identity. This included the development of a consistent color scheme, typography, and interface elements that enhanced the user experience.


We created interactive prototypes to simulate the user experience. These prototypes were crucial for iterating on design elements quickly and effectively, based on feedback from real users.

Usability Testing

We conducted extensive usability testing to ensure that the platform was intuitive and accessible for all user groups. Feedback gathered during these sessions was used to refine and perfect the interface.

Final Implementation and Launch

After thorough testing and refinements, our team oversaw the final implementation of the UX/UI design, working closely with Cokids’ developers to ensure a smooth rollout.

For Students:
- Soar through quizzes and assignments: Effortlessly access and submit work, all in one centralized hub.
- Chart your educational journey: Set goals, track progress, and celebrate achievements with ease.
- Fuel your curiosity: Explore engaging content and connect with classmates in a secure online environment.

For Administrators:
- Streamline school operations: Manage everything from attendance to schedules with effortless efficiency.
- Enhance communication and transparency: Foster deeper engagement with parents and teachers through open communication channels.
- Gain valuable insights: Leverage data-driven analytics to make informed decisions for the school's future.

For Parents:
- Stay informed, stay involved: Gain real-time insights into your child's progress and participate in school activities.
- Communicate directly: Connect with teachers and administrators seamlessly, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
- Empower your child's success: Partner with the school community to ensure your child is thriving.

For Teachers:
- Simplify lesson planning and delivery: Utilize diverse tools to create engaging presentations, share resources, and assess student understanding.
- Personalized learning made easy: Cater to individual needs and learning styles with differentiated instruction.
- Boost communication and collaboration: Connect with colleagues, parents, and administrators to create a dynamic learning ecosystem.

"Working with Figura transformed our vision into reality. Their expertise in UX and UI design was pivotal in creating an educational platform that is not only functional but also enjoyable to use."
Natalia Hashimoto
CEO Cokids | Owner